Peraphyllum ramosissimum – Squaw Apple – Wild Crab Apple –

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Peraphyllum –
There is a sole species of an upright, wide spreading, deciduous shrub in the Rosaceae family, in this genus. It occurs on dry hillsides of Western North America. It has spirally arranged, lance shaped, lustrous mid green leaves. It is grown for its inflorescences of white flowers, which are followed by cherry like yellow fruit. Grow in a native garden.
Grow in well drained, neutral or acidic soil in full sun.
Prone to leaf spot and cedar apple rust.

P. ramosissimum – Squaw Apple – Wild Crab Apple – This upright shrub found from Oregon to California to Colorado grows 5-6′ feet tall and 4-5′ feet wide. It produces lance shaped, softly hairy leaves, to 2″ long, becoming shiny green with age. It bears cluster of 2-5 pink tinged, 5 petaled and 5 sepal flowers with 15-20 stamens, to 3/4″ across, with rounded, spreading petals, in late spring, followed by pendent, rounded, yellow fruit (called pomes), tinged with red-brown.
Zones 4-7