Salix – Weeping Willow Tree


S. alba – White Willow – This very adaptable, fast growing spreading to columnar deciduous tree from Europe, North Africa and Western and Central Asia grows 80′ feet tall and 30′ feet wide. From gray-pink to brown shoots it carries lance shaped, saw toothed, slender pointed dull green leaves, to 4″ long, silky hairy when young, blue green beneath. The bark is a dark gray and deeply furrowed. Yellow male catkins, to 2″ long, or stalkless, yellow-green female catkins, 1 1/4″ long are borne in spring with the leaves.

‘Tristis’ – S.
vitellina ‘Pendula
’ – has a more weeping habit, and bears only female

Grow in areas with clearly defined seasons in any deep, moist but well drained soil in full sun or part shade, willows dislike shallow alkaline soil. The dwarf and alpine species need gritty, sharply drained soil.

zones 4-9