Sporobolus airoides – Alkali Dropseed – Dropseed – Rushgrass –


Sporobolus – Dropseed – Rushgrass

There are about 100, annual and perennial grasses in this genus. They are found naturally occurring in central valley grasslands and prairies of Western North America. They are grown for their narrow leaves and cloud like panicles of flowers. Dropseeds are useful as a groundcover and for erosion control, due to through extreme heat and drought tolerance. They are attractive as accents in a perennial border and for use in dried flower arrangements.

Grow in any well drained soil in full sun.

Prone to root rot, rust, seed smut, and variety of leaf spots and leaf blotches

 S. airoides -Alkali Dropseed – This clump forming perennial grass from Southwestern USA and Mexico grows 24-36″ tall and wide. It produces linear, sharp edged, gray green leaves, 12-24″ long. In mid summer, it bears small pink flowers in panicles 5-10″ long that are finely branched into a mist of hair like stalks, on stems 24-36″ above the foliage.

Zones 4-10